Uzi Landau

Uzi Landau, MK

  •   Minister of Tourism
    (Likud Yisrael Beitenu)

    Uzi Landau was born 1943 in Haifa.

    A systems analyst by profession, Landau holds Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the Technion in Haifa.

    Uzi Landau has held the following positions: Director-General of the Ministry of Transport; Lecturer in the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa; Member of the Boards of El-Al Israel Airlines, Israel Port Authority and Israel Airport Authority; Member of the Board of the Society for the Protection of Nature; Member of the Board of Si'ah Vasig - Israel Debating Society.

    Since 1984 Landau has been a Member of Knesset. He has served as a member of the Economic Affairs Committee; State Control Committee; Immigration & Absorption Committee; Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee; and the Internal Affairs and Environment Committee, also chairing the Foreign Affairs & Defense and the State Control Committees.

    He also served as Chairman of Knesset Delegation to the European Parliament and as a member of the Israeli Delegation to the Madrid Peace Conference in 1991. 

    Uzi Landau served as Minister of Public Security from March 2001 to February 2002, and as Minister in the Prime Minister's Office from February 2002 until October 2004.

    In March 2009 Uzi Landau was appointed Minister of National Infrastructures, in 2012 renamed the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, serving until March 2013 when he was appointed Minister of Tourism.

    He is married, and has three children.